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Tag Archives: injuries

Should I Handle My Own Personal Injury Case?

You do have the legal right to argue your own personal injury case, but a personal injury attorney has the training, experience, and legal knowledge to obtain a fair settlement for you. Because insurance companies aren’t in business to give you the most equitable settlement they can – they raise their profits by paying out the smallest possible amount they can get away with.

Those Pesky Insurance Adjusters

Do NOT agree to anything the insurance adjuster initially offers. Make sure that your attorney reviews your case first. If the adjuster sends you some paperwork to sign a few days after your phone conversation, do not sign it until you show the documents to your lawyer.

Left Turn Accidents on Motorcycles

It is important to remember that even if another driver claims not to have seen you or that your speed was deceptive, you are still not at fault in the accident. Nevada law requires that all vehicles yield the right of way to oncoming traffic when turning left at a place where no lights, stop signs, or other traffic signals are involved.