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Tag Archives: accident

What Are Legal Duties of Care and Why Are They So Important For Your Personal Injury Case?

Negligent drivers aren’t the only ones who have a duty of care. Car manufacturers also owe a duty of care to those who will be using their cars, trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles on public roads. This duty of care extends to the person who purchases the vehicle and to anyone inside the vehicle when a serious accident occurs. But this legal duty of care also extends to anyone else who suffers a serious injury as a result of someone driving a defective vehicle.

Nerve Damage a Major Concern in Many Accidents

The cost of care for paraylsis can reach the millions over a lifetime. You may require 24 hour care, depending on the extent of the paralysis. Again, this is why you should contact a qualified personal injury lawyer. We will fight to get the compensation you need to cover those large medical bills along with lost wages and reimbursement for pain and suffering.

Three Ways To Dramatically Strengthen Your Personal Injury Case

It’s quite common to be confused and disoriented after a car wreck, especially if you suffered an injury like a broken neck, shattered pelvis, cuts, bruises, etc. Your mind is focused on making sure you, and anyone in the car with you, is okay along with the condition of the at-fault driver. But it is …

Insurance Policy Loopholes Becoming More Common

The trend nowadays is insurance companies slipping tough restrictions and exemptions into that hard-to-understand language of their policies. There are many instances where the restrictions and exemptions are contradictory to the type of insurance coverage being purchased, and in some cases, make your coverage virtually worthless.