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Category Archives: Car Accidents

Wrong-Way Crash on U.S. 95 Injures 2 Drivers

This blog has detailed numerous accounts of wrong-way collisions that have resulted in fatal and tragic consequences. Though these types of crashes can happen almost anywhere in the valley, they tend to be the most lethal on highways and interstates where speeds are higher. Despite all of the signage and security barriers that are installed, …

Several 18-Wheelers, Passenger Vehicles Involved in U.S. 95 Pileup

Las Vegas receives an average of about 4.5 inches of rain per year. Because of this dearth of precipitation, residents of the city have a reputation of not being able to drive well when it does rain. Unfortunately, an incident this week won’t be disabusing anyone of that notion anytime soon. Early yesterday morning between …

School Bus Driver Not Charged in Accident That Killed 11-Year Old Girl

You may remember the tragedy which took place in Las Vegas this past March that claimed the life of a fifth-grade girl. Back on the afternoon of March 16, the 11-year old was being dropped off in front of her neighborhood by a school bus. After she left the bus, it made a right turn …

Drunk Driver Gets 7 to 24 Years in Prison

We’ve heard countless stories about how drunk drivers claim lives. Well, one convicted drunk driver could spend what amounts to another lifetime in prison because of her poor decision. Last week, Lacey Ambro was sentenced in connection with a February 2008 drunk driving accident in Las Vegas which killed two teenaged passengers. Ambro, who is …

Elderly North Las Vegas Auto-Pedestrian Accident Victim Dies

When a person is injured in an auto-pedestrian accident, it’s a tragic event; and it’s even more horrifying when a pedestrian is killed by a moving car. But some may argue that the anguish is even more excruciating for family members if the victim is hospitalized – and then dies months after the accident took …