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Stay Under Your Doctor's Care Until Your Doctor Releases You

Many people avoid the doctor at all costs. However, not getting the medical care you need can harm your car accident case. No matter how well you are feeling, you should stay under your doctor’s care until he or she releases you. That’s one of the main secrets to settling your car accident injury claim.

Even though you are seeing a doctor for your injuries and feel better a week after the accident, you need to continue seeking medical care. Insurance companies look to doctors as experts in medical care, so your doctor will be a great asset in legally assisting your case as well a providing quality healthcare for your injuries. If you don’t follow his or her orders, the insurance company considers you a risk because you are not doing what is in the best interests of your health. This can be detrimental to your claim.

Seek Appropriate Treatment

You may see several doctors after a car accident, from the emergency room doctor to your primary care physician to a specialist. It is important that you follow all the orders from each doctor. For example, if your primary care doctor tells you to see a specialist, then you should. If you are given medications, you must take them as directed.

If you don’t treat your injuries appropriately, your condition could worsen. If you suffer whiplash, for example, you could develop arthritis. Even if you feel better, you need to continue with your treatment until your doctor releases you.

Continued medical care shows that you are doing your part to return to your previous level of health. It traces everything back to the car accident. If you stop following doctors’ orders and develop complications, you won’t be compensated for them because the complications were caused by your inaction, not the car accident. Cost should not be an issue. You will receive compensation for medical visits associated with your injuries, so don’t let that be a deterrent.

How Long Should You See a Doctor?

There is no set time for which you should see a doctor following a car accident. Each case is different and each victim suffers different injuries. The length of time you will need to see your doctor will depend on the severity of your injuries. If your injuries were severe, you may need to see a doctor regularly for many months or even years. If your injuries were relatively minor, you may only need to see a doctor for a few weeks or maybe a month.

Your doctor will need to see you until you reach maximum medical improvement. This is the point where you reach 100 percent of the health you once had, or as close to it as possible. Listen to your doctor. He or she knows best and will determine how long you need to be seen so you can reduce the risk of developing complications.

After a car accident, make sure you seek appropriate medical care and stick with it. By not obeying your doctor’s orders, you risk developing complications and losing out on much-needed compensation.

Read about the other secrets:

  1. Conduct a complete investigation.
  2. Get photographs of all important elements in your case.
  3. Don’t release your medical records to the other party’s insurance company.
  4. Get the insurance company to set up a high reserve account.
  5. Keep the adjuster informed about the seriousness of your injuries.
  6. Don’t let the insurance adjuster pressure you into settling your case.
  7. Keep a day-by-day diary of your injuries.
  8. Know all your damages.
  9. Keep all bills and receipts related to your accident.
  10. Know all your injuries.
  11. Know your sources for insurance coverage.
  12. Stay under your doctor’s care until your doctor releases you.
  13. File your lawsuit right away.
  14. Ask a qualified trial lawyer to evaluate your case.
  15. If you decide to hire a lawyer, choose a trial attorney who isn’t afraid to go to court.