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Get Photographs of All Important Elements in Your Case

We often take photos of important events, and a car accident is no exception. The photos from a car accident can help your case in many ways. Indeed, it is important to understand why you need to get photographs of all important elements in your car crash in order to receive a fair settlement, as this is one of the secrets to settling a car accident injury claim.

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Memories tend to get hazy after an accident. One person may say one thing, while the other person claims something totally different.

While our memories don’t always remember details so clearly, there’s one thing that doesn’t lie: a picture. Pictures can provide valuable evidence after a car accident. They can show so many details and help insurance companies (and judges and juries, if your case goes to court) understand what happened at the accident scene. So you’ll want to get photos of virtually everything. Here are some tips to help.

Any Camera Will Do

You don’t need to set up a tripod with a fancy camera in order to shoot pictures. Just about everyone has a smartphone these days, so just use the camera on your phone. Most cameras on phones are very high-quality, and the focus isn’t on perfection anyway. If you don’t have a phone, a disposable camera kept in your glove box will work just as well.

What to Photograph

Photograph everything at the accident scene. The more pictures, the better. Get pictures of your car and its damage, as well as damage to the other vehicles. Get photos of the accident location, such as parking lots and intersections. Look on the road and get pictures of vehicle parts, broken glass, skid marks and debris. You should also take pictures that show the environment and weather conditions, as these can be factors in a crash.

Don’t forget to photograph your injuries. If you can get photos of any injuries the other parties sustained, that would be especially helpful. Try to get photos at different angles and distances.

Look for Other Cameras

Sometimes witnesses will take photos of accident scenes. If you come across someone who has taken any photos of your crash, make sure to get copies of them. A photo from a third party is especially powerful because it offers a different perspective.

If you can’t locate any witnesses, and you crashed in a busy area of town, it’s possible that the surveillance camera from a nearby business may have recorded your accident. Gas stations and convenience stores tend to have cameras, so check them. Cameras can also be found at some intersections as well. Use these cameras to your advantage.

Once you have a set of photographs of your accident, make sure to present these to your attorney. To be sure, your attorney will be able to use these in support of your claim so that you recover the damages you deserve.

Read About the other secrets:

  1. Conduct a complete investigation.
  2. Get photographs of all important elements in your case.
  3. Don’t release your medical records to the other party’s insurance company.
  4. Get the insurance company to set up a high reserve account.
  5. Keep the adjuster informed about the seriousness of your injuries.
  6. Don’t let the insurance adjuster pressure you into settling your case.
  7. Keep a day-by-day diary of your injuries.
  8. Know all your damages.
  9. Keep all bills and receipts related to your accident.
  10. Know all your injuries.
  11. Know your sources for insurance coverage.
  12. Stay under your doctor’s care until your doctor releases you.
  13. File your lawsuit right away.
  14. Ask a qualified trial lawyer to evaluate your case.
  15. If you decide to hire a lawyer, choose a trial attorney who isn’t afraid to go to court.