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What to Do after Being Hit by a Car in Las Vegas

Being hit by a car, whether you are a pedestrian, on a bike or motorcycle, or a passenger in or operator of another vehicle, can be a very scary experience. And depending upon the force involved in the collision, you may not walk away from the accident without significant damages, or may be unable to walk away at all.

What to Do after a Collision

While there are countless things to think about and focus on following an accident–most importantly, your recovery–knowing what steps to take can help to ensure that your right to damages is protected, and that the claims process proceeds as smoothly as possible. Nine things that you should absolutely do after being hit by a car, which will be explored in more depth in this series, include:

  • Stay calm and move out of the street – You want to make sure that your vehicle is in a safe location where it is not at risk of being hit again. If you are on foot/bike, get to the side of the road.
  • Keep the driver there – Get out of your vehicle (if it is safe and possible to do so), is dismount your bike and get the driver’s attention. Ask the driver to remain at the scene.
  • Call the police – Call the police and wait for them to arrive. You should file a police report at the scene.
  • Collect the driver’s information and take photos – As you wait for the police to arrive, use the time as an opportunity to gather as much information as you can. This includes information about the driver who hit you, such as name, contact information, and insurance information, as well as details about the scene and the accident. Take photos of the vehicle, any injuries you’ve suffered, skid marks, traffic signs, and more.
  • When the police come, make your voice heard – When the police arrive, make sure you file a report and are honest and assertive about what happened. Do not let the other driver dictate what goes into the report.
  • Seek medical attention ASAP – Seeking medical attention as soon as possible after an accident is critical. Do not wait to go to the hospital, even if you only perceive your injuries as being minor. You should always get examined by a doctor after being hit by a car.
  • Start an insurance claim – There is no time to delay in filing an insurance claim after an accident. The longer that you wait to file a claim, the more that is at risk. In fact, if you wait too long to file your claim, your claim may be denied altogether. What’s more, evidence may be destroyed in time, so you want to make sure that the insurance company can initiate their investigation as soon as possible.
  • Call a lawyer – Having an attorney on your side can be a very important resource as you navigate the claims process. Your attorney will be responsible for providing you with sound legal advice and helping you to seek the maximum amount of compensation available.
  • Know what to do if you see someone else get hit – Not only do you need to follow many of the above steps if you get hit, but if you are with someone who is hit or are a witness to an accident. This series will provide information on what to do if you see someone else get hit.

Consultation after a Las Vegas Car Accident

If you or someone you know has been involved in a Las Vegas car accident, be sure to contact Naqvi Injury Law today to consult about your options and receive the compensation you deserve.