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Category Archives: Car Accidents

Relevant Factors in Auto Accident Fault Determination

In Las Vegas, there are several ways to establish who is responsible for causing a particular auto accident. But what aspects of an accident are relevant in a personal injury lawsuit or wrongful death lawsuit – and which ones are irrelevant? Here is a list of ten factors or conditions. Try to guess which of …

UPDATE: Elderly Woman Who Struck Young Girls Fined, Surrenders License

Many people across the valley have been following the story of the young girls who were struck by a car in North Las Vegas in October. One of the six-year olds later died from her injuries, and the other two were severely injured. Police later charged a 78-year old Henderson woman with failure to give …

2 Teens Die in Henderson When Car Turns in Front of Them

It’s sad but not unusual to read about fatal auto accidents involving teenagers who were out driving during the wee hours of the morning on a weekend. This is especially true if excessive speed, alcohol, or drugs are thrown into the mix. But it is much rarer to hear about teens dying in a collision …

What to Do if You Hit Someone with Your Car Who Isn’t Seriously Hurt

If you are driving and strike a pedestrian, you should stop, call 911, and render aid or medical assistance to the victim if you can. The last thing you should do is try to flee the scene of the auto-pedestrian accident. But what if the person you hit appears to be only slightly injured? What …

Passenger Dies When Vehicle Broadsided While Turning Left

It’s a law which should be common sense to all drivers in Las Vegas. But it bears repeating here since too many people do not seem to take it to heart: drivers are responsible for the safety of their passengers. So when a driver chooses to operate a motor vehicle recklessly or negligently without regard …

Motorcyclist Dies After Collision With SUV

We are all taught during our driving lessons that a yellow light means, "Caution! Slow down!" But in reality, many motorists in and around Las Vegas understand a yellow light to mean, "Hurry up and get through the intersection before it turns red!" And sometimes, this misinterpretation can lead to a motor vehicle collision – …