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Category Archives: Car Accidents

2 Auto-Pedestrian Accidents in Less Than 90 Minutes in Valley

Beware the Ides of March. The foreboding line in the Shakespeare play Julius Caesar is mostly a trite little caution in today’s parlance. But for two people, the phrase held some weight today after they were both victimized in auto-pedestrian accidents within 90 minutes of each other in the valley. Shortly after 6am, a man …

Scrutinizing an Auto Accident Hotspot: I-15 and Sahara Avenue

An auto accident can occur just about anywhere in Las Vegas. However, some areas in the city are more prone to motor vehicle collisions than others. Many times, these high-volume crash points can be helped by additional signs, signals, or lane markings. But sometimes, it is not practical or possible to reduce the incidence of …

Beauty Queen Files Suit Against Tour Bus Company For June Crash

You may recall the story last summer about a former beauty queen who was involved in a serious auto accident on Interstate 15. Tracy Rodgers, who was the reigning Ms. Nevada for 2011, was driving along I-15 near Moapa several miles northwest of Las Vegas on June 23. A tour bus owned by U.S. Asia …