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Understanding the Legal Consequences of Texting While Driving In Nevada

Did you know that distracted driving is one of the most common reasons for car accidents? 

There are many ways that drivers become distracted on the road. However, texting is one of the most dangerous distractors and could put drivers at risk of harsh penalties in the state of Nevada.

Distracted driving not only puts you at risk, but it also endangers other drivers on the road. Not to mention, the fines and penalties associated with texting and driving are something most drivers don’t want to have on their record.

It’s important to be aware of the legal consequences of texting while driving in Nevada, so you know what to expect in the event that you are pulled over for texting while driving.

Keep reading to learn more.

What Is Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving occurs when the driver engages in an activity that diverts their attention away from the road. Common ways that drivers become distracted include talking to other passengers, eating, drinking, playing loud music, looking in the mirror, talking on the phone, looking at their GPS, and grooming.

The driver’s emotional state also plays a role in distracted driving. For example, a driver who is tired, emotional, anxious, or caught up in a daydream could easily lose their focus while driving.

In the state of Nevada, over 70% of fatal crashes resulted from distracted driving between the years 2014 to 2018. Clark County has been reported as the area where most of these accidents occur.

Most of these distracted driving accidents were reported to have taken place on weekend nights when visibility was low. Males between the ages of 25 to 29 are the most common group of people who partake in distracted driving.

Legal Consequences of Texting While Driving in Nevada

Comparative Negligence

Comparative negligence is a tort legal defense that reduces the plaintiff’s amount of damages in a negligence-based claim.

For example, if one driver is responsible for causing an accident, but the other driver was distracted at the time the accident occurred, the fines would be divided between the two parties.

Whether you’re the victim or perpetrator of an accident, it’s always of the utmost importance to hire a licensed attorney who is knowledgeable and equipped to handle your case fairly.

Insurance Implications

Distracted driving penalties could potentially raise your car insurance. However, this depends on the specific insurance company and the laws within your state.

In Nevada, the average annual rate of your insurance following an at-fault accident is $2,403, and a no-fault accident annual rate is $1,802.

A distracted driving accident attorney will help you with your claim in the event you find yourself in an accident where distracted driving was involved.

Penalties for Texting While Driving in Nevada

For the first texting while driving offense in seven years, drivers will pay a $50 fine. The next offense goes up to $100, and the third offense or higher is $250.

While the first offense will not count as a moving violation, any future offenses will add four points to your driver’s license. If there are two offenses within a three-year time frame, the driver will have their license suspended for 60 days. If a third offense occurs during that time, the license will be revoked for 120 days.

How To Prevent Texting While Driving Accidents

The best way to prevent the hefty fines and accidents resulting from distracted driving is to avoid these distractions in the first place. 

Here are the proper measures you should take to help you avoid texting and driving:

Keep Your Phone on Silent

In the age of technology, we are constantly being bombarded with notifications from our smartphones. Since we rely on our electronic devices, it can be tempting to peek at a text if your phone sounds an alert while on the road.

That’s why it’s always best to silence your phone or turn it off completely before hitting the road. You should also keep all texts on “do not disturb,” so you won’t see any notifications popping up while driving.

Put Your Phone Away

Just like silencing your phone, it’s also best to keep your phone away in your bag or glove compartment while driving. This will ease the temptation to reach for your phone while driving.

Have a Passenger Hold Your Phone

If you need to have your phone nearby, one great idea is to have another trusted passenger hold onto your phone and respond to any important messages. This way, you will still be able to receive any possible urgent texts and respond to them promptly.

Pull Over

If you receive an important message that needs to be responded to ASAP, you should pull over to a safe area before answering. Even though this may seem like an inconvenience, and you may think a simple, quick text won’t put you in harm’s way, taking your eyes off the road for even a second could endanger you and others on the road.

Other Ways To Limit Distractions While Driving

While texting and driving is the most dangerous type of driving distraction, it’s important to limit other driving distractions as well.

Before taking off, be sure that your GPS, music, heat, and air conditioning are set up properly so you won’t need to fiddle with it later. Also, try to eat before hitting the road and take care of all hair and other grooming needs before you leave.

While it’s always enjoyable to listen to your favorite tunes while driving, you should make sure that the volume isn’t too high, as loud music can draw your focus away.

Finally, be sure to avoid driving if you are in a stressed or emotional state. If you feel overwhelmed, never hesitate to pull over and compose yourself before heading back out onto the road.

Educational Resources on Distracted Driving

There are a variety of programs and organizations that dedicate themselves to educating others about distracted driving. It’s important to teach yourself and others about the dangers of distracted driving to take your part in keeping drivers and pedestrians safe on the road.

Here are two important resources that drivers should utilize to prevent distracted driving incidents on the road:

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) serves as a great source of information on distracted driving. Their mission is to ban texting while driving in every state and teach driver’s how to prevent distractions while on the road.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is another valuable source that works to train commercial drivers on driver safety in the workplace, covering topics like distracted driving.

Hire Naqvi Injury Law as Your Trusted Personal Injury Attorney in Nevada

Are you looking for a high-quality personal injury attorney in the state of Nevada? Naqvi Injury Law is here for you with our professional accident attorneys who are equipped to take on a wide selection of accident claims

We are ranked as the best injury attorney and the best law firm with the best customer service in the state of Nevada. This means that by choosing us to represent you, you can rest assured that we will go above and beyond to fight for your case.

By choosing Naqvi Law, you will also pay absolutely nothing until we win your case.

Start by receiving a free consultation with us today, or give us a call at (702) 919-6818.