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Dealing With Insurance Adjusters: Expert Tips for Personal Injury Cases

Dealing with insurance adjusters is notoriously tough when it comes to personal injury claims. Over 70% of these claims involve negotiations with insurance adjusters, and about 90% to 95% of cases end in settlements before trial. Why’s that? Because lawsuits can get pricey for both sides. By lawyering up and moving toward a lawsuit, you can often call an insurance company’s bluff and get a better settlement. But before you get there, you’ll have to deal with the dreaded insurance adjuster.

That’s why knowing how to handle these adjusters is crucial. Hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer can ensure you don’t get shortchanged. Here are some tips from the skilled team at Naqvi Injury Law to help you deal with insurance after a personal injury or accident. And remember, if you don’t want to go it alone, a Naqvi Injury Law personal injury attorney is just a call away.

Understanding the Role of Insurance Adjusters

Insurance adjusters are known for being good at tricking victims into settling for less than they deserve. In order to get the settlement you are seeking, you will first need to understand who you are up against. Here is a comprehensive guide to explain why dealing with insurance adjusters matters to your claim.  

Who Are Insurance Adjusters?

A common step that victims take after an accident or personal injury is pursuing compensation by filing a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company. Insurance companies are backed by large corporations with limitless amounts of resources they can use to lessen your settlement and save themselves money. One of the tactics they use is hiring an insurance adjuster to weaken your claim and dash your chances at fair compensation.

An insurance adjuster, or claims adjuster, is hired by the insurance company to look into your claim and determine whether the insurance company needs to cover your damages and if so how much they need to cover. An auto insurance claims adjuster will evaluate the damages, speak to you and witnesses, and look into accident details and documentation. This may sound innocent enough, but each of these efforts is made to determine exactly how much the insurance company is on the hook for and what they can get away with not paying.  

Why Insurance Adjusters Matter In Personal Injury Claims

Insurance adjusters are paid to limit your compensation. They use tricky tactics to twist your words and get you to admit fault, even if you weren’t at fault. They dig into police reports and other documents to find any gaps in your claim, saving the company from a big payout. Though they may act friendly, they aren’t to be trusted. Even your own insurance company might try to shortchange you. That’s why having a tough personal injury lawyer is key to ensuring adjusters don’t cheat you out of what you deserve.

Common Tactics Used By Insurance Adjusters

You can avoid getting fooled by an insurance adjuster by understanding the common tactics they are trained to use to cheat you out of compensation. When you are aware of these tricks, you can be two steps ahead of them in ensuring that you secure a fair claim.

Lowball Offers: A Common Strategy

Years of dealing with insurance adjusters have shown that adjusters often start with a lowball offer. Many people, inexperienced and unaware, accept these offers without pushing back. Please don’t fall for it. With a lawyer from Naqvi Injury Law on your side, you’ll recognize lowball offers and know how to counter them effectively. Sometimes, lowballing can even lead to a Bad Faith Insurance claims case.

Delaying Tactics to Wear You Down

You may be wondering, “Why in the world do people accept lowball offers?” It’s because insurance companies and the adjusters who work for them are experts and conning you into believing your claim is worth less than its true value. Insurance adjusters can get pretty nasty.

Claims adjusters know that you have been financially, physically, and emotionally burdened by your accident. They know you are vulnerable and take advantage of it. They may delay communication and leave conversations ambiguous to try and confuse you. They may over-communicate with you to try to catch you off guard and twist your words.

They could even delay the payout on your claim or extend the claims process into a months-long ordeal. Why? To wear down your fortitude in hopes that you will get sick of their antics and settle for a lowball offer. However, with a lawyer to shield you from all of this, you will be able to remain resolute in getting the compensation you deserve.

Misrepresentation of Policy Terms

Another tactic we’ve learned from dealing with insurance adjusters attempting to avoid a full payout is to cleverly mislead you into believing false information about your insurance policy. They will misrepresent information about your policy to you so that you don’t feel like you have the coverage or grounds to demand more.

Be sure to read up on your policy before any negotiations with an insurance adjuster. If you feel that the situation is getting out of hand, it’s time to call a personal injury lawyer to protect you and your rights.

Fresh Perspectives On Dealing With Insurance Adjusters

Challenging the Status Quo: Proactive Communication

One way to outsmart an insurance adjuster is to take a proactive approach to communicating with them. Many victims make one of two mistakes: 1) They wait around for the insurance company to initiate communication and provide information. 2) They get emotional and flustered due to the unethical and unfair tactics that insurance adjusters use to wear them down in the claims process. This makes them easy to manipulate and fool.

It is essential to maintain control over the narrative when dealing with insurance after an accident. The only way you can truly do that is by being proactive throughout the entire claims process. Here are some ways you can be proactive in your efforts:

  • Know that what you say will be used against you.
    Keep conversations with insurance adjusters short and stick to the facts. You are not obligated to give them a statement or tell them anything.
  • Keep records and take note of conversations and correspondence between yourself and the insurance adjuster.
    This includes emails, voicemails, text messages, and other forms of communication.
  • Keep all your records about the accident and insurance claim organized.
    Document your losses in detail and keep documentation organized.
  • Choose your body shop if you’re dealing with an auto insurance claim.
    Auto insurance adjusters will most likely send you a list of body shops to use. Don’t fall for this ploy. Oftentimes insurance companies have deals or partnerships with auto shops that will overcharge for service.
  • Research the cost of original parts and rental cars.
    This is another way in which your insurance company will try to blindside you, overcharge, and underdeliver.
  • Never forget to negotiate.
    Speaking up and defending yourself is one of your greatest assets. Insurance adjusters aren’t used to getting pushback, so when you advocate for yourself they will take you more seriously.
  • Hire a personal injury lawyer.
    When dealing with insurance adjusters gets out of hand, your best bet is to hire a lawyer. Personal injury attorneys are like kryptonite to insurance adjusters. Having an attorney on your side is a tried and true way to get the settlement you deserve.

The Power of Documentation

Insurance claims are won and lost based on evidence, so the more detailed evidence you have to back your claim, the better. Be sure to collect evidence of your losses including pictures, videos, and police reports. You should also keep a running list of medical bills, lost wages, and other financial damages. Having proof of your damages will give you a huge leg up in receiving the compensation you deserve. 

You should not only keep a detailed record of the damages from your accident. Make sure to document the entire claims process and all correspondence with the insurance claims adjuster. Insurance adjusters are used to dealing with vulnerable and naive people and will go to outrageous lengths to save the insurance company money. However, if you’re able to clearly document correspondence, you can catch them in their lies and get a fair settlement.

Leveraging Legal Expertise Early

Mentioning a personal injury lawyer can make an insurance adjuster uneasy. Actually hiring one shows you mean business. When should you get a lawyer involved? The sooner, the better. Lawyers advise on what to say, which evidence to provide, and what you’re allowed to withhold. They ensure nothing you say can be used against you.

Don’t believe us? Just have a look at the numbers. A study by the Insurance Research Council found that settlements where a lawyer was involved were three times higher than those without. In some cases, settlements were up to ten times higher when an attorney was involved. We aren’t kidding when we say that insurance doesn’t want to pay out. Insurance companies not only save money but make money off of lowballing you after an accident.

Step-by-Step Guide to Dealing with Insurance Adjusters

Filing an insurance claim is an overwhelming process. Dealing with a sneaky insurance adjuster can make it worse. However, when you know how to protect yourself and your rights, you can proceed with confidence. Here is a step-by-step guide for how to deal with insurance adjusters.

Step 1: Initial Contact

In your initial conversations with the insurance company, it’s important to gather key information, ask the right questions, and be careful about what you say. When you get on the phone, calmly and respectfully get the name, address, phone number, and insurance company’s name. Do not discuss personal details about yourself. Take notes and pay attention to what is being said.

Insurance adjusters may try to get you to admit fault or make a recorded statement. Decline until you consult a personal injury lawyer. In your initial contact, they may make it seem like you are required to give a recorded statement about your accident. This is not always true. Decline to make a recorded statement. If they insist that you are required to, consult with a personal injury lawyer. 

Remember, anything you say can be used against you. Be brief and intentional about what you say to the insurance agent. Especially in recorded correspondence, insurance agents will ask seemingly benign questions such as “How are you today?” You may give a generic answer such as “I’m fine”, which they can then use to discount your claims of an injury or other damages. Remember, claims adjusters don’t work for you. They work for the insurance company.

Step 2: Building Your Case

Organization is key in winning a personal injury lawsuit or insurance settlement. Be sure to collect evidence as you go and keep it organized so you know where everything is when you need it. At the scene of the accident, take pictures and videos of damage and injuries. As you receive medical treatment, keep a running ledger of your medical bills and expenses related to the accident. If you are forced to take leave from work because of your accident or injuries, be sure to document lost wages. 

Beyond this, make sure that you gather statements from witnesses who saw the accident happen. However, do not share the witness’ contact information with the insurance adjuster. Additionally, keep each and every record connected to your accident. Evidence goes beyond medical bills. Diagnosis and treatment plans provide proof of the legitimacy of your injuries.

Once all of this is gathered, you can either present it to the insurance company yourself or let a lawyer take it from there. Hiring a lawyer is usually a better bet because they will know how to present the evidence without running the risk of having the insurance company intentionally misinterpret it.

Step 3: Negotiation Strategies

Being a good negotiator and knowing your worth will help you stay strong through the exhausting settlement process. Here are a few negotiation strategies to use to maximize your settlement.

  • Don’t Take the First Offer:
    As previously discussed, insurance companies are notorious for presenting lowball initial offers. By refusing to settle right away, you show that you mean business.
  • Get Everything In Writing:
    Keep a record of what has and has not been agreed upon. Email is ideal for this because it leaves a time-stamped paper trail.
  • Know Your Policy:
    Before you ever get on the phone with insurance, you should thoroughly review your policy. This way you will know what is covered and excluded and what the insurance company is responsible for paying for. This will make you much more successful at catching the insurance company’s attempts to deny or underpay your claim.
  • Listen Carefully to What the Insurance Adjuster is Saying:
    Being an active listener can help you catch sneaky insurance agents in their lies and help you outsmart them in attempts to lowball you.
  • Know When to Walk Away:
    Emotions can run high when dealing with accidents and personal injuries. If you feel the situation escalating out of your control, end the conversation. You can always pick back up at a later time. This will keep you from getting emotional and falling for the insurance adjuster’s tricks.

Step 4: Finalizing the Settlement

It’s important to be aware that when you settle, it’s permanent. Once an insurance claim or lawsuit has been settled, you can’t go back for more compensation, even if further damages arise. That’s why it’s very important to pay attention to detail and be careful as you reach settlement. Here are some common settlement pitfalls to avoid.

  • Not Being Prepared:
    An insurance claim isn’t over until the settlement has been signed. Before you agree to a settlement, take a moment to remind yourself of exactly what you’re hoping to receive in terms of compensation. As previously mentioned, once you’ve settled, you can’t go back. Before signing any agreement, make sure that you really are ready to settle.
  • Not Ensuring That All Terms Are Clearly Documented:
    Make sure that all settlement terms are clearly in writing. That way the insurance company can’t go back on their word.
  • Not Negotiating All Settlement Agreement Provisions:
    Be sure to read the fine print, especially if you’re in the pre-trial phase of a lawsuit. Insurance companies may try to sneak in terms or exclusions that you don’t agree with.
  • Settling For Less Than You Deserve:
    As personal injury lawyers, we know how long and exhausting a personal injury lawsuit or insurance claim can be. We know that you are ready for it to be over. However, don’t make your exhaustive efforts as if they were in vain. Fight until the end to get the compensation you deserve.

Expert Opinions on Dealing with Insurance Adjusters

Case Studies of Successful Claims

The attorneys at Naqvi Injury Law have a proven track record of winning cases. Here are some success stories:

  • $982K for Motor Vehicle Accident and Insurance Bad Faith:
    A client was injured in a collision caused by an illegal left turn. When insurance tried to underpay, Naqvi Injury Law secured $982K for the client.
  • $355K for Motor Vehicle Accident and Insurance Bad Faith:
    A client rear-ended on the freeway trusted Naqvi Injury Law and settled for over three times the policy limits.
  • $269K for Motor Vehicle Accident and Insurance Bad Faith:
    A passenger in a multi-vehicle collision turned to Naqvi Injury Law, resulting in a $269K settlement.

Statistical Analysis of Settlement Trends

Statistics show that settlement amounts where a lawyer is involved are three times higher than those without a lawyer. In many cases, settlements can be up to ten times higher when an attorney is involved. We know that pushing back against a lowball offer takes courage. We understand that filing a lawsuit can seem daunting. However, in the end, you will thank yourself for hiring a lawyer to help you negotiate a fair settlement.

Why You Should Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

Don’t let tricky insurance adjusters fool you. Protect yourself by hiring a personal injury lawyer from Naqvi Injury Law. With a proven track record, Naqvi Injury Law advocates for you against greedy insurance companies. If you’re struggling with the claims process, reach out for compassionate and vigorous representation. Contact us today!