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Did you know that 56 car accidents happen every day in Las Vegas, NV? Las Vegas is a booming city that never sleeps. Both tourists and residents alike can be found rushing around Vegas trying to get where they’re going. With all the rideshare services, taxis, limos, party buses, city buses, motorcycles, bicycles, pedestrians, and cars zipping around, it’s no surprise that Las Vegas is a hotspot for traffic accidents.

What’s worse? Because young people tend to be drawn to the gleaming lights of Vegas, residents ages 5 to 35 lose their lives the most to Las Vegas traffic incidents. It is important to be aware of the numbers and facts behind Las Vegas traffic accidents and laws so you can stay safe on the road and know what to do if you are the victim of a car accident in Las Vegas.

Las Vegas Car Accident Statistics

Understanding the numbers behind car accidents in Las Vegas can be a good strategy for not only avoiding crashes but also for knowing how to protect yourself under the law if you are involved in a car accident in Las Vegas.

How Many Car Accidents Happen Every Day In Las Vegas?

With approximately 56 accidents happening every day in Las Vegas, car accidents are a major issue that the city faces. For a look at the current state of crashes in Las Vegas, you can explore the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department’s (LVMPD) car accident dashboard, which is updated in real-time. 

How Many Car Accidents Happen Every Year In Las Vegas?

According to the LVMPD, 20,324 car accidents took place in Las Vegas in 2021 alone. LVMPD has also reports that 43% of Nevada’s annual car crashes happen in Vegas. It is important to be aware of this before you take the wheel in Las Vegas.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Las Vegas

Las Vegas is a unique city for many reasons. Even the circumstances that lead to traffic accidents in Vegas are unique. For example, most of Las Vegas’ traffic accidents happen at night when the city is most active. Additionally, Vegas has significantly more accidents involving pedestrians than other cities of comparable size and population. It’s important to be aware of the common causes of car accidents in Las Vegas so they can be avoided. Here are a few of the most common causes of car wrecks in Las Vegas:


Nevada’s Office of Traffic Safety lists speeding as one of the leading causes of car accidents in the state. As I’m sure you can imagine, this issue is particularly extreme in Nevada’s most famous city of Las Vegas. Many visitors to Las Vegas believe that they are in the city for a good time, not a long time, and therefore can drive however they please. However, under the law, this is not the case.

If you or someone you love was involved in a car accident because someone was speeding in Las Vegas, you may be entitled to compensation. An attorney at Naqvi Law will be able to help you build your case and make sure the other party is held responsible for speeding. 

Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

It’s no secret that Las Vegas is a party city. Unfortunately, many people who come to Vegas to enjoy a good time also make irresponsible decisions. Because of this, the city has a serious DUI problem. Statistics show that 42.7% of Nevada’s fatal car accidents are caused by intoxicated drivers.

It’s important to be aware of this risk before you get behind the wheel in Las Vegas so you can ensure you drive defensively. However, in the unfortunate case that you or someone you care about was struck by a driver under the influence of alcohol or another harmful substance, it is important to know your rights and take legal action. Our team of experienced and passionate car accident attorneys at Naqvi Law is here to ensure that the person responsible for your damages is held accountable for their actions. 

Reckless Driving

Under Nevada law, reckless driving is defined as operating a vehicle with “willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property.” There’s a whole slew of actions that fall under this umbrella including tailgating or following too closely, failure to yield the right of way, unsafe lane changes or turns, and racing.

If someone else’s reckless driving led to your accident and injury, chances are you’ll be entitled to financial compensation. If you suspect that your accident was caused by a reckless driver, get in touch with a member of our legal team at Naqvi Law. Proving another party’s recklessness can be difficult, but we’re here to help. 

Drowsy Driving

Another common cause of Las Vegas car accidents is drowsy driving. Studies show that driving when you are tired can be just as dangerous as driving drunk. That’s why it’s important to only operate a vehicle when you are alert and well-rested. Unfortunately, some drivers choose to get behind the wheel of their car regardless of how they’re feeling. This can lead to particularly terrible car accidents.

Inexperienced Drivers

An additional leading culprit of road collisions in Las Vegas is drivers with a lack of experience. Teenagers and young drivers are involved in a disproportionate amount of car crashes across the United States and Nevada. Unfortunately, their inexperience and lapses in judgment can lead to serious wrecks and tragic consequences. It is important to instruct young drivers on proper road safety and encourage them to use precaution.

Poor Weather and Road Conditions

When inclement weather makes road conditions unsafe, it can lead to serious car accidents. Additionally, when roads aren’t properly maintained by the state or city, it can also cause a car accident. When poor road conditions cause accidents in Las Vegas, victims can file a legal claim against the local government for its failure to maintain safe roadways. For example, if your tire was damaged by a pothole in the road and you went spiraling off the road, the city’s failure to repair that dangerous pothole would absolutely warrant you filing a claim.

If proven liable for the accident through your claim, the city would then be required to cover the damages of your accident. Oftentimes, we assume that the responsible party will be a person, but it can be a government entity as well.   

Vehicle Defects

An underlooked cause of many car accidents in Las Vegas is vehicle defects or malfunctions. For instance, if your airbags fail to inflate causing you or other passengers to sustain injuries, you may be able to file a claim against the automaker.

Defect cases are different from your average car crash case because they often involve negotiating with large corporations and their lawyers. If this is the case, you’ll absolutely want an experienced and cunning attorney from Naqvi Law to handle your case. We’re completely dedicated to winning cases for our clients and we’re not afraid to face off with big businesses to get you the compensation you deserve.

Unique Factors That Lead to Car Accidents in Las Vegas

Las Vegas is one of the most lively and colorful cities in the United States. For this reason, it draws tourists from all over the world to experience Vegas’ fabulous 24-hour lifestyle. The not-so-fabulous side of the party culture of the Vegas Strip is that partying can lead to impulsive and sometimes irresponsible decisions. While this can be the catalyst for unforgettable memories and fun times, it can also be the cause of tragedies on the road.

There is no excuse for putting someone else in danger. That’s why both residents and visitors of Las Vegas need to look after themselves by being aware of danger on the road. If you feel as if it would be unsafe for you to drive, arrange for a taxi or rideshare driver to take you home. A taxi fee is nothing in comparison to medical bills, injuries, and damage that can be incurred as a result of a crash.

Further, driving in Las Vegas can be a challenge due to heavy traffic, especially in areas like the Downtown Strip. Always drive defensively and be mindful of pedestrians. Las Vegas is an international travel destination, so you can expect lost tourists to be wandering around the streets and sidewalks. Always consider pedestrians when cruising down the streets of Vegas.

Consequences of Car Accidents

It’s no surprise that the consequences of a car accident are terrible. From devastating injuries and even death to crippling medical bills and damage to property, there are hundreds of reasons why drivers want to avoid car accidents at all costs.

Car Accident Injury and Fatality Rates in Las Vegas, NV

Zero Fatalities Nevada is an initiative by the Nevada Department of Public Safety dedicated to understanding what causes crashes and taking action to prevent them. Their most recent audit presented the following data regarding car accident fatalities in Clark County (the home of Las Vegas):

  • 2022: 259 fatalities
  • 2021: 236 fatalities
  • 2020: 194 fatalities
  • 2019: 186 fatalities
  • 2018: 219 fatalities

As you can see, there have been 1,094 fatalities due to car accidents in Clark County since 2018 with rises in fatal accidents in recent years. The unfortunate fact of the matter is that car crashes are devastating. If you or someone you love was injured or wrongfully killed at the hands of another driver’s negligence, you can take legal action to get the financial and emotional compensation you deserve.

Our team at Naqvi Injury Law understands that in many ways, your future depends on our work. We deeply understand that a successful personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit is an opportunity for victims and their families to receive the compensation, justice, and closure that is due to them. If you are seeking justice, don’t hesitate to contact us and set up a free consultation with an attorney.

Economic Impact of Car Accidents

Car accidents can cause hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage. From hefty medical bills to loss of property, a car accident can wreak financial havoc on an individual or family. Additionally, when individuals are injured or killed in traffic collisions, it’s not only tragic for the friends and family of that person, but it also harms society at large.

Common Factors Associated with Car Accidents

Various factors can contribute to causing a car accident including weather, road conditions, time of day, and traffic volume.

The Role of Weather

Weather plays a huge role in traffic collisions in Las Vegas. Throughout the year, Las Vegas sees a variety of severe weather conditions including wind storms, flash flooding, dust storms, rain, and heat waves. Each of these weather conditions can make driving perilous due to slick roads, lack of visibility, and other factors. 70% of weather-related crashes in Las Vegas were caused by wet pavement and 46% occurred during rain. Because Las Vegas is a desert city, its roads are heavily impacted by rain. Before embarking on a car ride, make sure to check the weather conditions and adjust your driving accordingly. 

Time of Day and Accident Rates in Las Vegas

In most areas of the United States, daytime traffic collisions are the most common. However, Las Vegas experiences the opposite. In fact, the majority of car crashes happen after dark. That’s because of the city’s 24/7 style. When you go out for a drive in Vegas at night, be sure to pay attention and stay alert. Expect traffic and drive defensively.

DUI is a major problem in Las Vegas as well, so be prepared to avoid drunk drivers and report reckless driving to the police when you see it. If you are out enjoying the Las Vegas nightlife and find that you’re too intoxicated to drive, don’t get behind the wheel. Always arrange a ride home. This will protect you and others on the road.

How to Avoid Car Accidents in Las Vegas

While most accidents are out of your control, there are preventative measures you can take to keep yourself out of danger, lower the chances of getting in a wreck, and lessen the impact of a car crash when it happens. 

Innovative Safety Measures

Luckily, we live in a modern world with sophisticated technology to keep us safe. Car accidents have been happening for a long time, so car manufacturers understand how important it is to design safe vehicles. When choosing a new car, consider investing in one with advanced safety features such as blind spot detection, electronic stability control, and anti-lock brakes. Before buying a new car, do your research to ensure that it will keep you safe if an accident happens. Many older, classic cars may look gorgeous, but these vehicles often have outdated safety features and won’t keep you safe in a collision.  

Fatal traffic accidents have negatively affected society since cars were invented. That’s why local and national governments are always innovating when it comes to writing and enforcing traffic laws. For example, in 2023 the state of Nevada passed Rex’s Law which increases the maximum penalties for causing substantial bodily harm or death while committing reckless driving when traveling 50 mph or more over the speed limit or when the offense is committed in a designated pedestrian safety area such as a school zone. This law raises the penalty against reckless drivers and incentivizes people to drive safely.

Community Initiatives

Due to the high volume of fatal traffic accidents in Las Vegas, the local government and community have instated Vision Zero, a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries while increasing safety. The initiative recognizes that drivers make mistakes and redesigns and operates the transport system in a way that compensates for driver errors to make the road a safer place. The Vision Zero initiative was first implemented in Sweden in the 90s and proved successful when applied across Europe. It has now caught on in major cities across the United States, including Las Vegas. 

Drive Defensively

While traffic laws and initiatives exist to protect you after you’ve been the victim of an accident, there are actions you can take to avoid getting in a crash in the first place. Namely, through defensive driving. Defensive driving includes planning your route ahead of time based on traffic and road conditions and the weather. It also includes being alert and driving without distractions. The main rule of defensive driving is to drive as if everyone else on the road were distracted or likely to cause an accident.

When you drive defensively, you can save yourself from dangerous situations. But rest assured that if you do get in an accident, the law exists to protect you, especially if your crash was caused by another party’s negligence. If you’ve been injured by a negligent driver, give Naqvi Law a call to discuss the next steps in building your case.

Practical Advice for Victims of Car Accidents

If you or someone you love has recently had their life turned upside down by a car accident, there are steps you can take to get the relief and compensation you need. Even if you suspect that you are partially at fault for the accident, you may still be able to get a significant amount of compensation for the damages caused by the accident.

Steps to Take After a Car Accident

Here are some things you should do immediately after you get in a car accident.

Get to Safety

The first step may seem obvious, but in the immediate aftermath of a car accident, if you are well enough to move you need to make sure that you move yourself and your vehicle out of harm’s way. Be sure to check on the other parties to ensure that they are well enough to get out of the way of traffic.

At this point, you may feel inclined to make innocent statements such as saying you’re sorry. However, this can be misconstrued as an admission of guilt. Wait to discuss who is at fault until you have a lawyer and keep communication with other parties to a minimum.

Call 911

After making sure that you and all parties are out of immediate harm, call 911. Not only will this get you the emergency medical help you and other parties may need, but it’s also a legal requirement in the state of Nevada to call the police if anyone has been injured or killed in a car accident.

Even if the accident is minor, you want to make sure the police are called out to the scene of the accident so they can put together a report detailing what happened and the damages that resulted. This report is crucial if you intend to file a claim or lawsuit later on.

Remain at the Scene

The state of Nevada heavily penalizes drivers who leave after an accident. To avoid hefty charges, you should stay at the scene.

Gather Evidence

As soon as you can, you should start documenting what happened. This can include photos and videos of your car or vehicle, where the accident happened, what the scene looks like, and your injuries. It’s important to do this right away because photos or videos taken later on may not be worth as much in a court of law. 

Talk to Witnesses

If others witnessed your accident, be sure to take down their information and get a statement from them about what they saw happen.

Notify Your Insurance Company

After a car accident, let your insurance company know what happened as soon as possible to avoid liability. They can help you begin the claims process as well.

Go to the Doctor

While this may seem obvious for more serious car accidents, it’s always a good idea to stop by the doctor’s office for a checkup even after a minor accident. Conditions such as whiplash can manifest later and have long-term consequences. Your doctor will be able to diagnose these issues and provide evidence that can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Consider Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

If you’re injured or have serious damages after a car accident or if you’re struggling to get the compensation you need through insurance, a personal injury lawyer may be able to get you better financial compensation than if you work with your insurance company alone.

This is especially true if you suspect that another party’s negligence led to your accident. The team at Naqvi Injury Law is determined and experienced team of attorneys will be glad to discuss your case with you and give you the legal advice you need to win the compensation you deserve. Schedule a consultation with us today to get started.

Navigating Insurance Claims

Navigating the insurance claims process can be an absolute headache. Here are some tips our legal team often gives for dealing with insurance.

Tips for Dealing With Insurance Adjusters

  • Limit information given to insurance adjusters: Insurance companies don’t want to pay out if they can avoid it. Therefore, they may twist your words to lessen their obligation to pay you what you deserve. Rehearse what you will say before any conversations with insurance adjusters and keep details about fault and what happened to a minimum, especially if you don’t have the protection of a lawyer.
  • Keep track of all communication with adjusters: As previously stated, insurance adjusters can get pretty sneaky when it comes to payout. Be sure to document all correspondence via phone call, text message, or email so your words can’t get twisted.
  • Seek legal counsel: The best thing you can do to get the payout you deserve is to hire a lawyer to protect you from the conniving of insurance. They will know what you are and aren’t legally required to say, do, or provide to the insurance company. Legal expertise will most always maximize your compensation.

Call Naqvi  For Legal Assistance After a Las Vegas Car Accident

In a city like Las Vegas where the 24/7 culture can lead to car accidents and injuries, it’s important to know how to protect yourself in the harmful aftermath of a car crash. When preventative measures like defensive driving aren’t enough, you may be left feeling hopeless and vulnerable. However, when you have a personal injury lawyer from Naqvi Injury Law on your side, you can rest assured.

We are not afraid to boldly advocate for our clients, and we have a proven track record to back our intensity. We know that our clients depend on our efforts. We will treat you with compassion, empathy, and understanding while we also fight viciously to outwork the other team and get you what you need to recover from your losses. Schedule a consultation to speak to a skilled and experienced car accident lawyer today to get started on recovering the compensation you deserve.